This is the 272nd post in my series that explores the most-used words in the top stories shared among Environmental Historians and Environmental Humanities scholars on Twitter each week.

Here are the top articles among environmental historians and humanities scholars this past week (May 16, 2022 – May 22, 2022):

Monday: “Why White Supremacists Are Hooked on Green Living” by Sam Adler-Bell, The New Republic

Tuesday: Global Roundup: High School Dress Code Protests, Cuba LGBTQ+ History Month, Thesis on Palestinian Women, Queering Nature and Environmental Issues, Muslim Woman TV Writer” by Mona Eltahawy, Feminist Giant

Wednesday: “Ehemalige GIZ-Mitarbeiter in Gefahr” by Rebacca Ciesielski und Maximilian Zierer, Tagesschau

Thursday: “Coal mining in Indian forests is turning local villagers into environmental watchdogs” by Kuwar Singh, Quartz Africa

Friday: Labor to set up independent environmental protection agency and restore ‘trust and confidence’” by Lisa Cox, The Guardian

Saturday: State issues Vail Resorts a notice of violation for 2021 fish kill” by Scott Miller, Vail Daily

Sunday: En Charente-Maritime, cinq bassines agricoles de nouveau jugées illégales,” Reporterre

Top Words

  1. die
  2. der
  3. said
  4. und
  5. will
  6. GIZ
  7. also
  8. environmental
  9. people
  10. water
die, der, said

Published by Jessica M. DeWitt

Dr. Jessica M. DeWitt is an environmental historian of Canada and the United States. She is passionate about the use of digital technologies to bridge the gap between the public and researchers. In addition to her community and professional work, she offers various editing and social media consultancy services.

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